Friday, May 29, 2020

LinkedIns Top Networking Tips for Women

LinkedIns Top Networking Tips for Women Women have been fighting for equal rights for many years and to celebrate their success, and in honor of International Womans Day, LinkedIn has released some networking tips for women around the globe. It is important for women to feel empowered in the world of work and networking is a huge part of that. Some women are already fully confident and know how to be successful. However, for the women that are unsure and are looking to improve their skills, here are our top tips: LinkedIns top tips: It’s not  all about face time:  If you’re  nervous about one-on-one networking, head online first. Industry forums, social  networks, and even emails are great first steps on the  road to a useful contact. Take it one  step at a time:  Rome wasn’t built in  a day and you wont amass a huge network of contacts overnight. We’ve found  that just nine minutes a day is all it  takes to make a big impact on the size  and quality of your LinkedIn network. Do your  research:  The internet is a mine of  information, and finding you have something in common with people you’re about  to meet is gold dust. A quick online search  can tell you that you went to the  same university or have a connection in common. Help them  to help you: In the world of  networking, it’s as important to be found to find others. Having an  up-to-date LinkedIn profile that includes a picture makes you  much more likely  to be approached by new connections. Be  prepared:  A networker’s worst  nightmare is the awkward silence. Jot down a few conversation starters so you  have something to fall back on if you run out of things to  say. End as you  mean to go on:  You may only have one  chance to make a good first impression, but you can undo all your good work if  you make a bad exit. Say a proper  â€œgoodbye” and follow up the next day to make  sure your new contact remembers you for the right reasons. 4 best-connected women: Its now time to hand over to the 4 best-connected women on LinkedIn for their best networking tips: Jean Fenwick, Managing Director at Fenwick Consulting: Create and participate in relevant LinkedIn Groups.  This is a great way to raise one’s profile and to be seen as an industry expert with your  followers.  Add value to the relationship by sharing links to relevant industry news and ask  questions/invite comments on topics to encourage engagement.  A good example of this is Fenwick Consulting’s LinkedIn Group â€" Scottish Supply Chain  Professionals which now has almost 1000 followers. Abigail Stevens, Managing Director at Think Global Recruitment: Think about how you want to be perceived, your identity and make sure all social and  other media represents this at all times.  The easiest way to do this is to think how all  stakeholders, clients, candidates, existing and potential team members and even their  families, would like you to look if they are going to trust you with their or their  families’ company development or career progression.  Make sure both your written  and visual appearance portrays this.  Highlight your strengths and experience, don’t  just presume people know what  you do. Sing  about your achievements. Try and be a  little unique in this.  A tag line can be good to ensure people remember you. Chantelle Jones, Director at Prince Associates: Create a killer statement that attracts and engages think of some of the biggest brands in the worldApple, Coca Cola and Nike. What do they all  have in common?  They all have high impact, memorable brand statements.  To entice people to view your profile, connect with you and  remember you,  you too need to  create your own hard hitting personal statement.  It doesnt  have  to be an essay,  just  a simple 1-2 sentence  statement that communicates what you  are best at, who your target audience is and how you  are different. Suzie Tobias, Managing Director of Strike Jobs: Having a strong network is part and parcel of my job, but it can be hugely valuable whatever your career. The key is to make it part of your daily  routine; setting aside just a few minutes a day can pay dividends. Takeaways: Create and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups. Think about how you are perceived. Create high impact and memorable brand statements. Make networking part of your daily routine. Use these great tips to have more of a presence when networking and to create a powerful impact for yourself and to impress others, girl power!

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